Saturday, March 22, 2008

flying high...

attended the 18th annual eureka springs kite festival today...kite festivals are a lot more fun when you have a little wind. it finally picked up a bit around lunch time.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008


heads up!

shot a dodgeball tourny this weekend, and i decided to light it (shhh, don't tell anyone). on my way up to grab the light, i made a few frames from the walking track across from the flash. i just liked the rim light on the team at the top and the silhouette of the thrower. wish i had the whole shadow, though. i also liked that it's 1 against 5. GO 1!


ps - got a lot of comments about the rollergirls pic, so i just want to clarify, this was not a decision about the content of the photos. we were going to sub out the little rock rollergirl page with a northwest rollergirl page using my photos, but apparently the story was too "little rock" centered to go with the northwest, long story short, we subbed one photo and rest went on the net or in the trash. didn't mean to lead everybody on, the editor in question was just confused, not judgmental. sorry for the confusion.