Sunday, July 20, 2008

goodbye coger drug store

coger drug store opened back in 1901 and has lasted through 3 generations of coger pharmacists. it is located on the square in downtown huntsville, and helps to maintain the classic main street look.

the curent cogers have worked at the store for 43 years, but are now ready to retire and travel...and they deserve it.

nuthin' special, but i just liked this shot of lois jean looking out the window at the empty lunch counter on a quiet final day.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

da dawgs

i haven't posted anything in like a just hasn't been anything worth showing (sorry good people of northwest arkansas)

anyway, i got my 50 mm lens back after breaking it 6 months ago, so i though i would test it out on the dogs (they're so cute they could never break a camera!)
