Monday, September 1, 2008

hurricanes blow

thousands of "displaced citizens" have been transported to ft. chaffee down the road from us, so we went down yesterday for a bit. we had a minder the entire time, but i was able to meet a couple of people who shared their stories with me.

donald bryant (right) expressed frustration about the sleeping quarters in the barracks at ft chaffee. his family was sharing space with at least 2 dozen other people. "we have young girls sleeping in here and sharing a bathroom with men, so yeah, i'm concerned." bryant said that the bus ride from new orleans took 16 hours and that the bus driver got lost along the way.

clifford nixon (bottom left) and his son clifford nixon jr., 5, of new orleans, talk with united way volunteer tom kaufenberg at the ft chaffee intake center. nixon and his son had just made it back to new orleans in july after having been displaced by katrina 3 years ago.

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